Monday, April 20, 2020

How to Write a Resume That Is Fit For A Employer

How to Write a Resume That Is Fit For A EmployerWhen you are thinking about writing a resume, one of the first questions that should be asked is if you are considering re-recruiting for a particular position, or even whether you have already applied for that position. The fact is that when a position comes open and the candidate needs to be in a position to hire the best person, often times the candidate for the position will already have a resume that they are happy with. It is best to make sure that a resume makes an impression with any potential employer before you write the resume.The first thing that you want to do when you are writing a resume is to ensure that the resume is as professional as possible. This means that you should focus on your qualifications and strengths as well as your skills and experience.Notice the fact that while it may appear that you wrote several resumes in a row, it is important to remember that this was simply a good way to come up with samples that would hopefully interest an employer. You can only really get what you write on your resume into the minds of employers by writing a resume that focuses on your qualifications. In doing so, you can ensure that you retain your dream job, or maybe one that is more reasonable in the direction that you wish to take your career. Another thing to realize is that a resume that focuses on your qualifications and skills will not immediately tell an employer that you are the right person for the job.Now, what you want to do is to write a resume that is not professional but rather one that are informative. The reason for this is that you will want to make sure that you put something in there that is not going to make the employer want to throw their resume in the trash. A resume that focuses on facts is the one that should receive the most attention from the employer.What you do then is to edit your resume by taking out certain points and inserting other ones that are going to be more exciting . For example, you can add in a section that discusses your interests or hobbies, and that you are always available for an interview.Writing a resume is a time consuming task, especially when you are working on several at the same time. There are certain things that you will want to include in the resume, however, before you actually begin writing you should ensure that you get all of the facts out and you have an idea of how much you need to add. A good tip is to make sure that you read over the different types of resumes that are out there and see which one is going to offer you the best benefits.Finally, the most important part of a resume is to put your name, address, phone number, and email address on it. There are certain things that you want to include in your resume, so make sure that you make sure that you get all of the necessary information onto the document. Also, while there are certain requirements when it comes to information on a resume, make sure that you make sure that you put your best foot forward in any resume you write.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Kickstarter Tips 4 Secrets to Crowdfunding Your Small Business

Kickstarter Tips 4 Secrets to Crowdfunding Your Small Business Driving a tricked out BMW motorcycle with a refrigerated compartment attached like a sidecar, Simon Anguelov earns money to pay for community college in San Diego as a mobile ice cream vendor. The 20-year-old MiraCosta College student took out $30,000 in bank loans to create the customized bike with help from his sister, who cosigned for him. Recently, it dawned on Anguelov that it would be easier to generate business if there was an Uber-like app people could use to order ice cream deliveries from vendors like him or ice cream stores. In May, he launched a campaign to get funding for IceCreamZilla, an app-enabled network, on the crowdfunding site Kickstarter. Kickstarter enables donation-based crowdfunding, where individuals make donations to business ideas they want to bring to life. “Ice cream vendors like me would benefit from an app like this,” says Anguelov. “It would draw a lot of business to the industry.” But Anguelov was in for a surprise. It has been harder than he expected to raise money on Kickstarter. By the time his campaign ended, he had raised only $1,980 toward his $25,000 goal. Under Kickstarter’s rules, that meant he didn’t get to keep any of the money. “It’s really hard to spread the word,” he says. But he didn’t give up. He restarted his campaign on June 1, this time with a smaller goal of $5,000â€"and on his first day had already hit $3,015, with 59 days to go. It’s easy for new entrepreneurs to get excited by the potential to raise money on sites like Kickstarter, where fundraisers have collectively snagged $1.7 billion since it launched in 2009. Some entrepreneurs have hit the jackpot. Pebble Watch, a smartwatch, raised $20.3 million in the site’s most funded campaign to date, and the Coolest Coolerâ€"a picnic accessory that comes with a waterproof Bluetooth speakerâ€"raised $13.2 million, which was good for second place. And Kickstarter is just one option. In 2014, crowdfunders in North America raised $9.46 billion, a 145% increase from the year before, according to a recent global report from Massolution, a research firm in Los Angeles that collects data from 1,250 active crowdfunding sites around the world. Its data included both donation- and equity-based crowdfunding, where companies typically sell an ownership stake to investors. Still, as Anguelov discovered, crowdfunding isn’t as easy as the success stories we constantly hear make it sound. Here are four key things to know before you start your campaign. Successful campaigns start way before the launch. Many crowdfunders start building their following on social networks months before they actually launch a campaign. There’s a reason for this. Crowdfunding campaigns have a time limit. It’s not easy to reach your funding goal if you don’t start working on building up your social media followingâ€"a primary way to share these campaignsâ€"until the day you launch. “It’s hard to get viewers unless you have a presence on Facebook,” says Anguelov, with 20-20 hindsight. “I don’t have any followers.” This time around, he has started building his Facebook following and plans to join groups on the social media site where he can talk about his project. He has also changed his rewards. Previously, he offered discount coupons; this time, he is offering some extras to local donors who pledge $99 or more, such as a chance to meet him and have him personally deliver 25 ice cream treats. It pays to set realistic goals. Each donation-based site has its own rules, but on some donation-based sites, including Kickstarter, you don’t get to keep any of the donations if you don’t hit your funding goal. However, it is possible on the site to set a stretch funding goal once you meet your initial goal and try to raise additional funds. Other sites will cut you more slack, but you’ll pay for it. For instance, Indiegogo lets you keep all the money you raise, even if you miss your target. However, it charges a 4% fee if you hit your goal versus 9% if you get part of the way there. That means that if you raise $100,000, you have to pay the site $9,000. Industry-specific sites may work best if you’re a niche player. If you’re looking to attract the attention of high-net worth investors, equity-based crowdfunding sites that target investors in your sector may be your best bet. Visio Financial Services, a 45-employee company in Austin that was founded in 2011, used this approach. It lends money to private investors who are purchasing single family homes to flip or rent. About a year ago, the firm raised $10 million in a debt facility through the real-estate crowdfunding site Realty Mogul, says CEO Jeff Ball. “There are a lot of accredited investors who have money they would like to invest in alternative asset classes,” he says. However, gaining entry to such platforms isn’t easy. “It’s getting more crowded,” says Richard Swart, crowdfunding and alternative finance researcher and scholar-in-residence in the Institute for Business and Social Impact at the University of California, Berkeley’s Haas School of Business. “It’s becoming more difficult to attract interest.” Plus, they have little incentive to promote deals that aren’t right for their particular investors. “Many of these platforms are rejecting 90% to 95% of companies seeking funding,” says Swart. Crowdfunding may not help you get more financing. Getting a bank loan or credit card and making timely payments can help you build a financial track record. But raising money on a crowdfunding site may not carry much weight with future lenders. Ask David Goldin, president and CEO of AmeriMerchant, a New York City firm that provides working capital to small businesses. “It’s irrelevant,” says Goldin. Why? Interest by people who aren’t professional investors or lenders doesn’t necessarily signal to someone like him that a business has staying power. It’s similar to the world outside crowdfunding platforms. “A lot of people invest in a restaurantâ€"and most restaurants fail,” he says.

Friday, April 10, 2020

3 Steps To Handle Stress As A Business Owner - Work It Daily

3 Steps To Handle Stress As A Business Owner - Work It Daily If you’ve ever thought of starting your own business, the question of “How am I going to handle it?” might be one of the first things that creeps into your mind. While the thought of being your own boss can be daunting, don’t let that stop you from starting your own business! The tips below can help you be a successful, un-stressed business owner! Related: A Simple, Effective Way To Handle Stress At Work (Or Anywhere) Starting something new, regardless of what it is, can be stressful. And let’s face it - stress is never fun. But, if you can learn to manage your stress, you’ll be able to handle just about anything that comes your way. According to this Huffington Post article, eight out of ten Americans are stressed about their jobs. Jan Bruce, CEO and founder of meQuillibrium, an online platform and app that digitally coaches users to help dial down stress levels, and co-author of 14 Days to Cooler, Calmer, and Happier, offers some insight on how to deal with these stresses. Here are Jan’s three simple steps to manage the stress of being your own boss: 1. Learn To Quit Now, this doesn’t mean you should quit your job, but instead quit working on a project or task. Learn when you need to stop working on a project and go home for the night. Your project will be on your desk in the morning, and after a good night’s rest, you’ll probably be more productive. When you start your own business, all of the responsibility falls on one person -- you. That means that until you get a dedicated team of employees behind you, you are the team. Being a team of one is a huge responsibility, and sometimes things might not work as you’d like them to. You have to learn when to stop and cut your losses. “Quitting can feel like a moral failing and a fatal mistake,” says Bruce. “....The truth is, quitting thoughtfully is a powerful act. It’s you choosing, of your own volition, to grow professionally and personally. A conscientious quit gets you closer to your purpose as an entrepreneur.” When you’ve worked tirelessly on a project to excel your business, but the project just isn’t working, sometimes stepping back, and looking at the issue from a different angle can increase your chances of success. 2. Take Time To Actively Ward Off Stress “The first things we blow off when we are stressed and short on time are often the very things most likely to help usâ€"sleeping, eating, moving around,” says Bruce. “Basic human activities get short shrift, and we end up paying a price in terms of our energy, focus, and resilience.” So, how exactly do you go about warding off stress? It’s pretty straightforward - make time for yourself. Bruce gives some simple ways to do just that: Enjoy a few moments of quiet in the morning 20 minutes of physical activity Get an extra hour of rest at night. A meal with friends or family without your smartphone to distract you 3. Develop Resilience Resilience is defined as: the ability of a substance or object to spring back into shape; elasticity Bruce says, “Resilience is a key characteristic of success not only in business and entrepreneurship. I believe it is also a valuable and accurate predictor of success not just in business but in our personal lives.” If you’re able to spring back into shape after a campaign fails, or a project you’ve been working on doesn’t turn out quite the way you hoped it would, you’re golden. According to Bruce, people who are resilient, are able to continue being successful regardless of setbacks, and adversity. With these three ways to manage stress, you can take your business to the next level. Related Posts 11 Job Search Commandments For College Grads 4 Common Fears Of Recent Grads 4 Ways Young Professionals Can Stand Out In A Crowded Job Market About the author Sarah Lynch is an intern for CAREEREALISM Media. She is a senior Mass Communications Major with a minor in Public Relations at Lander University in Greenwood, South Carolina. Connect with her on LinkedIn or follow her on Twitter.   Have you joined our career growth club?Join Us Today!